Housing, urban planning

Urban planning is one of the major areas that were decentralised to the municipalities in 1983. Since then, municipalities and groups have had the competence of principle in terms of urban planning documents, urban planning (ZAC and pre-emption rights) as well as building permits and authorizations and acts relating to land use or occupation. The main urban planning documents that municipalities (or groups) must draw up and regularly update are the territorial coherence scheme (SCOT), the development and sustainable development project, the local urban plan (PLU) and the municipal map for municipalities without a PLU. Regardless of the provisions set out in these various documents, there are "general urban planning rules" (NESS) that apply throughout the territory and may be of public order, or that apply in the absence of a PLU. To carry out their urban planning operations, mayors can rely on tools such as concerted development zones (BIAs) or pre-emption rights. In addition, all new constructions are subject to the building permit (issued by the mayor), while certain subdivisions, campground developments, etc. are covered by a development permit. The municipal council may also introduce a demolition permit on all or part of the communal territory. The prerogatives of the town hall: Elaboration of the territorial coherence scheme, the local urban plan or the municipal map.

Issuance of building permits and other land use permits for municipalities with a local urban plan or a municipal map. Right of urban pre-emption. ZAC (zone d'aménagement concerté). Agreement of the municipalities or EPCI on the creation of the departmental perimeter of intervention for the protection and enhancement of agricultural and natural peri-urban areas.