Education, youth

Saint-Pierre has several schools


The Crèche : 0596 78 10 42
Kindergarten : 0596 78 18 63

Philémond Montout Elementary School, Rue Victor Hugo – 97250 ST PIERRE Tel.: 0596781759. The Collège Louis Delgrès, rue de l'Abbé Grégoire. 97250 Saint-Pierre. Tel: 05 96 78 16 61 The Lycée Victor Anicet, (here) specialized in applied arts, digital and design. Saint James district. Phone +596 596 78 16 05 –    

St. Peter takes care of his children

The city of Saint-Pierre wants to contribute for the best to the future of all the little Pierrotins and all the little Pierrotines. It is in this sense that it has designed its Territorial Educational Project (PEDT), in partnership with all local institutional and educational actors and in particular the Family Allowance Fund with which a global territory agreement (CTG) was concluded on May 10. The PEDT is aimed at children and young people aged 0 to 26 and their parents. The PEDT is validated for a period of 4 years, but reassessed every year in the steering committee.


The objectives of the PEDT

Axis 1: Sharing the principles of co-education by recognizing the different educational prerogatives of all actors from early childhood to young adults, 

Axis 2: Support for parenthood and socialization of children,

Axis 3: Academic and educational success, 

Axis 4: Social integration, training, 

Axis 5: Better living together and sharing common values. 


The educational priorities of the PEDT: co-education, detour pedagogy, the richness of diversity/socialization, accessibility for all, fulfillment, the fight against precariousness. The child or young person is an actor in his or her development

The city sets up a leisure reception without accommodation. The ALSH is above all a place of life, relationships, learning through play, the implementation of projects and community life. It is a time of daily leisure in the life of the child. It is a secure "transitional" space: it ensures the bridges between the different times of life of the child, manages separations, guarantees continuities. It is a real educational time, in relation to school and family, a privileged space to develop through individual and collective play and expression, cultural learning, skills and autonomy. The general attention paid to the child must take precedence over the repetition of the purely academic activity.

The typical day in ALSH 

6h30 – 7h: welcome time / quiet wake-up time

7am – 8.30am: reception of parents and children and implementation of activities

9:00 am – 11 am: activity time

11:00 -11:30: quiet time before meals: reading, storytelling and singing

11:30 – 12:30: meal time – taste awakening

12h30 -15h and 12h30- 13h30: departure at the nap for the little ones and quiet play time for the older ones

13h45 – 15h45 : time of activities

15:45 – 16:00: quiet time based on reading, storytelling and singing

16h – 16h30 : snack

16h30 – 17h: free time

5pm – 6pm: welcoming families